Thursday, July 25, 2019

Reborn on the Run Pdf

Title: Reborn on the Run Pdf My Journey from Addiction to Ultramarathons

Aside from her rock star looks, Catra Corbett is a standout in the running world on her accomplishments alone. Catra is the first American woman to run over 100 miles or more on more than 100 occasions and the first to run 100 and 200 miles in the Ohlone Wilderness, and she holds the fastest known double time for the 425-miles long John Muir Trail, completing it in 12 days, four hours, and 57 minutes.

And, unbelievably, she's also a former meth addict.

After two years of addiction, Catra is busted while selling, and a night in jail is enough to set her straight. She gives up drugs and moves back home with her mother, abandoning her friends, her boyfriend, and the lifestyle that she came to depend on. Her only clean friend pushes her to train for a 10K with him, and surprisingly, she likes it and decides to run her first marathon after that.

In Reborn on the Run, the listener keeps pace with Catra as she runs through difficult terrain and extreme weather, is stalked by animals in the wilderness, and nearly dies on a training run but continues on, smashing running records and becoming one of the world's best ultrarunners.

Catra Corbett Runs Everything Catra Corbett has been one of my biggest running inspirations for a while now, but this book made me love her even more. I had no idea about her past before picking this book up, I just knew that she was a badass female runner over 50 who I definitely wanted to be like. Learning about her story was really impactful and made me know that I definitely want to run an ultra one day, and that she is even more amazing than I could have imagined. If you're a fan of running, badass women, adorable doxies, or are interested in narratives about overcoming addiction, this book is probably for you.There are a few minor editing issues that made me want to figure out how to offer to edit all of her work for free (because I love her, and therefore could never charge her), but the story more than made up for the odd misplaced word. So if you're a grammar freak...calm down. It will be okay. Enjoy the book anyway.Amazingly inspiring! I’ve been following Catra and her story since I became a runner a couple of years ago. The more I read about her, the more I identified with her and I’ve always felt a connection with her. I always hoped that she would write a book someday. My fitness journey is very similar to hers as I too believe that running has saved me. It is my therapy. When I’m out on the trails, I feel a spiritual connection between myself and nature and it’s unlike any feeling I’ve ever felt before. Catra describes this perfectly in her book and at times I felt like she was speaking for me. I finished the book in two days as I was unable to put it down after I started it! I look up to Catra and I hope to advance in my running as she has. Catra is not only a great runner, but she is also a great person who truly cares for others. I am a social worker so this concern for others is also very near and dear to me. I’ve been telling friends and co-workers who are interested in following a healthy lifestyle about Catra and encouraging them to read her story. I know that she will inspire them just as she has inspired me! I want to thank her for putting herself out there and sharing her story!!!A story of fortitude, of overcoming pain, of total focus I first heard of the Dirt Diva back in 2004 when she first set a John Muir Trail speed record, and have been Facebook friends for a long time, as I post JMT records on my website. I've never met her in person, though crossed paths on Mission Peak once. Her exploits over the years have been amazing, and this book gives some insight into what makes Catra run. It is a good read, and I am sure, encouraging to anyone trying to overcome an addiction. It is also an insightful view of just what gets someone into meth.If you are looking for a story of fortitude, of overcoming pain, of total focus, then this book will keep you engaged. If you are looking for the story of what makes ultra athletes, this is the story for you. If you are looking for a way out of addiction, this is the story for you.

Tags: B07K4BCVML pdf,Reborn on the Run pdf,My Journey from Addiction to Ultramarathons pdf,,Catra Corbett, Dan England, Allyson Ryan, Tantor Audio,Reborn on the Run: My Journey from Addiction to Ultramarathons,Tantor Audio,B07K4BCVML

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